Hack Our Play Toolkit

Hack Our Play Toolkit
This toolkit is the culmination of our own experiences and the lessons we learnt from the first HOP prototype, based on an extensive participatory design process that involved over 400 people, including play experts, designers, educators, parents, volunteers, students and children. In creating this toolkit, we hope to offer a starting point, source of inspiration and how-to guide, for those who are looking to co-create their very own community-built play space in preschools or at under-utilised public spaces.
The online version of the toolkit is free to download at www.hackourplay.org
However if you would like to support us by purchasing a physical copy, feel free to drop it on your cart :)
Size: 253mm x 177mm
Pages: Consist of 3 books
Book 1 | Introducing the Hack Our Play Toolkit: 37 pages
Book 2 | Play Space Sites: 53 pages
Book 3 | How to Hack Our Play: 48 pages