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About the Project

Tampines Changkat Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP) (2015) is a rethink of how residents and stakeholders could be more meaningfully involved in the design and planning of their living environment. 

Under the NRP framework, improvement works are made to the living environment at both the block and precinct levels in public housing estates. In most NRPs implemented in other neighbourhoods, residents are usually asked to select their preferred improvement works from a predetermined list. The NRP at Tampines Changkat presented us with a different opportunity from the outset due to the stakeholders' desire for a deeper and more authentic way of engaging the residents. In alignment with this vision, we designed and facilitated a community engagement process that involved different user groups through a range of methods and platforms, allowing for earlier engagement in the design process and creating opportunities for the building of neighbourly bonds. 

This project is an ongoing partnership between P!D, Tampines Town Council, the Residents' Committees of Tampines Changkat Zone 3 and 5, the Tampines Citizens' Consultative Committee, and the Housing and Development Board (HDB).