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Safe Streets (2012) was our very first project under the #betterSG campaign, in which we explored what it would take to create streets that were safer, more livable and respectful, through balancing the needs of drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and transit users. 

Through a gathering of stakeholders, architects, urban planners, cycling enthusiasts, members of the local community and residents, we sought to uncover actionable ideas for safer streets. Our first workshop was held with the community of MacPherson and looked specifically into ways that would help make Circuit Road a safer and more enjoyable place for all. Many good ideas came forth from this one session, and served as the basis for on-site prototyping the following year.

This project was organised by FIVEFOOTWAY in partnership with Macpherson CC, P!D, and Love Cycling SG, with special thanks to Mr John Rehm, Ziqq from Design Says Hello and Clover Chen from the Make Your Mark team at SUTD, and supported by Singapore Institute of Architects.

Safe Streets (2013) saw P!D partnering design students at the Singapore University of Technology and Design and ReallyArchitecture (re:ACT) to continue building on the ideas from our workshop the previous year. On top of holding a follow-up workshop with residents and students, the SUTD team created a 'live' prototype on site at MacPherson to test out some of the ideas with the community. This prototype was also part of the global PARK(ing) Day network.

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