Citizen Design:
National Diabetes Reference Materials
Call for citizens to partner the Government and Healthcare experts to generate ideas, deliberate and debate, and co-create the National Diabetes Reference Materials (NDRM)!
The NDRM was one of the recommendations from the Citizens’ Jury for the War on Diabetes in 2017. The citizens requested for a set of consistent and accessible information regarding Diabetes, so that individuals who may be reluctant or apprehensive to discuss their challenges in managing the condition with healthcare professionals have a credible resource they could access.
This is part of a series of Pop-Up Markets around Singapore and the Citizen Design process.
Who we are looking for:
Person living with Diabetes
Person with a family member, friend or co-worker living with Diabetes
Believe that as a community, you can contribute meaningfully and you would like to work with other citizens to co-create the development and design of the NDRM
What is Citizen Design and what does it entail?
Citizen Design is a participatory engagement approach that engages citizens, through design tools, in the planning process on an issue that affects them, or is of significance to the wider citizenry.
The Citizen Design on the National Diabetes Reference Materials (NDRM) will enable participants to partner the Government and healthcare experts to generate ideas, deliberate and debate, and co-create the NDRM.
Participants will have access to relevant data, information and resource persons during the engagement so that they are well-informed and guided.
Who is presenting this Citizen Design?
The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with Participate in Design, is presenting this Citizen Design.
Do I need to be design-trained to participate?
You need not be design-trained to participate.
What does the Citizen Design process aim to achieve?
The National Diabetes Reference Materials (NDRM) was one of the recommendations from the Citizens’ Jury for the War on Diabetes in 2017. The citizens requested for a set of consistent and accessible information regarding Diabetes, so that individuals who may be reluctant or apprehensive to discuss their challenges in managing the condition with healthcare professionals have a credible resource they could access.
MOH and its stakeholders have developed a simple, largely pictorial set of materials targeted for use in clinical settings and home visits, which will be published on the application HealthHub in four languages by end of this 2019.
Beyond this basic set of materials, MOH is seeking to develop an in-depth information for patients, families and the general public. The kit will be made available online. Thus far, MOH and HPB have sought feedback from 660 participants through a series of participatory design sessions, across different age groups, ethnicity, and degree of experience with Diabetes around Singapore on the type of in-depth information required.
The Citizen Design process aims to:
Build on the existing feedback;
Use our creativity to develop the template for the reference materials;
Collectively develop a set of recommendations for the in-depth National Diabetes Reference Materials; and
Discuss how the community can publicise this resource once ready so that Singaporeans are able to access it
How is the Citizen Design process different from interviews or Focus Groups Discussions on the same issue?
Interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) are engagement processes where participants exchange ideas and share their views, without the need to reach a collective consensus.
Beyond exchanging ideas, the Citizen Design will require participants to deliberate and debate with each other, engage with experts, and reach a group consensus on the proposed recommendations.
Why should I join the workshop?
Because you believe that as a community, you can contribute meaningfully, and you would like to work with other citizens to co-create the development and design of the National Diabetes Reference Materials (NDRM).
To realise this, you have the opportunity to:
Assess the existing feedback from 660 citizens;
Meet and interact with other citizens who are keen and passionate about the issue;
Use your creativity to develop the template for the NDRM;
Collectively develop a set of recommendations for the in-depth NDRM; and
Collectively decide on the design of the NDRM
Is it compulsory for me to be present throughout the session?
Yes, it is compulsory for you to commit to the full duration (9am to 6pm) of the engagement, as it requires participants to work with other citizens, to develop a collective set of recommendations.
What are the criteria for selection?
MOH will be recruiting 50 participants who exhibit keen interest to join the workshop. For the workshop to be effective, we will require a diverse representation of persons, with and without Diabetes, among the selected participants.
Will the participants be given an honorarium?
Yes. Participants will receive a token to defray transport costs, and will be provided 2 tea and 1 lunch meals.
How can I apply to be a workshop participant?
You can visit to sign up.
When will I know the outcome of my application?
You will know the outcome of your application by 8 November 2019.
Who can I contact if I have difficulties filling in the form?
If you face difficulties, you may contact us at 8750 7552 or e-mail us at