Hack Our Play – In Singapore, children often have little influence on how play spaces are designed for them. Current designs of public playgrounds are reduced to cookie-cutter, standardised equipment and numerous red-tape that limits its designs. As the organiser of Hack Our Play (HOP), we believe that there are untapped opportunities to showcase the importance of play in and out of the classroom for children's development. Hence, we were set to rethink how we design and build play spaces in Singapore through the project.
Presented by Lien Foundation and in collaboration with St. James Church Kindergarten (SJCK), Hack Our Play aims to jump on the opportunity to create a new model for a playscape in Singapore where we design with children and not just for them.
What if there is a platform to co-create and design a stimulating play space with children quickly, cheaply and efficiently using recyclable materials and local skills? By involving respective stakeholders and users in the project, we hope to create a more diverse and meaningful playscape in Singapore.
To gain a deeper understanding of the needs, challenges and opportunities with users of play spaces, various engagement activities including Expert Interviews, Crayon Conversations, Field Observations and a one-day Pop-Up Play event with the public and students from St. James Church Kindergarten (SJCK) were organised. As we wrap up the first few stages of the project, we will be organising co-creation workshops in the following month where we design the actual prototype of the play spaces with its potential users.
Visit our project website now: www.hackourplay.org!