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About the Project

Under the Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP) framework, improvement works are made to the living environment at both the block and precinct levels in public housing estates. In most NRPs implemented in other neighbourhoods, residents are usually asked to select their preferred improvement works from a predetermined list.

The NRP at Tampines North presented us with a different opportunity from the outset, as initiated by the Chairman of Tampines Town Council and Members of Parliament for Tampines GRC, Mr Baey Yam Keng, who desired a deeper and more authentic way of engaging the residents. Instead of the conventional methods in getting responses from residents through survey methods, Mr Baey hopes to engage residents on a deeper level through other means of communication that uses participatory design approaches and creative community engagement methods to include the community in the decision-making process.

We were elated to be part of the renewal programme and brought together close to 4,000 residents and stakeholders together to plan and design their living environment over a period of three months from February to April 2017. A series of participatory design activities were conducted in efforts to include residents in the process and to gather insights that reflected needs and aspiration from the residents who will potentially be the users of the new facilities.



Design Recommendations

Design Recommendations for the NRP
Designing and Facilitating a Community Engagement Process:
A Participatory Design Report by Participate in Design



Video Gallery

Watch our video documentation of the Tampines NRP for both
Batch 9 and Batch 10 residents respectively!




As part of our social media publicity efforts for the renewal programme, we spoke to Tampines North residents who shared theirs stories and hopes for NRP.

Their stories were documented and shared across our social media platforms in hopes to create awareness for NRP and inspire not just Tampines' residents but the general public to be involved in such programmes because everyone matters and should have a say in the decision-making process.